Fergana region, Orzu variety, Oyjamol variety, symbiosis, Uzbekistan.Abstract
The study investigated the effects of planting dates on nodule formation and symbiotic activity in two soybean varieties, "Orzu" and "Oyjamol", grown on irrigated meadow saz-alluvial soils in the Fergana region of Uzbekistan from 2018 to 2020. Nodule formation occurred 7-11 days after germination, with leghemoglobin appearing 2 days later, indicating active symbiosis. The transition from leghemoglobin to choleglobin, marking the end of active symbiosis, varied between varieties and planting dates. Delayed planting shortened the duration of both total and active symbiosis. The "Orzu" variety exhibited longer total and active symbiosis compared to "Oyjamol". Total symbiosis ranged from 65 to 85 days, while active symbiosis lasted 57 to 77 days. The study highlights the importance of planting date and variety selection in optimizing symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soybeans, with earlier planting favoring longer periods of active symbiosis. These findings can inform management practices to maximize the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation in soybean production systems.
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