
  • Abdullaeva Diloram Telmonovna Ph.D. honey _ Science Associate Professor departments children's illnesses, Tashkent medical academies, Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent Author


The development of BPD is facilitated by many factors: immaturity of lung tissue, deficiency of surfactant, exposure to oxygen in high concentrations during mechanical ventilation. High oxygen concentrations have a damaging effect on both the structural and functional state of lung cells. Molecules of reactive oxygen radicals and peroxide compounds that destroy surfactant have an aggressive damaging effect. The damaging effect is associated not only with exposure to reactive oxygen radicals, but also with a decrease in the activity of antioxidant activity, a pronounced decrease in protective functions from the effects of peroxide agents in very premature babies. Barotrauma of the lungs plays a major role in the formation of BPD.


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