code-switching, Matrix Language Frame Model, inter-sentential code-switching, intra-sentential code-switching, tag-switching, situational, and metaphorical code-switching.Abstract
Code-switching is a phenomenon in language in which bilingual or multilingual speakers alternate between two or more languages throughout a conversation, sentence, or phrase. This phenomenon is prevalent in multilingual cultures and manifests organically in both oral and written discourse. It signifies a speaker’s linguistic proficiency, social identity, and cultural heritage. The concept of code-switching has been examined across multiple fields, including linguistics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. It fulfils various roles, including bridging vocabulary gaps, conveying emotions, underscoring a point, or adjusting to diverse social circumstances. In mass media, code-switching is commonly employed in films, television, music, and digital content to engage varied audiences and represent genuine multilingual exchanges.
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