
  • Karimova N.U Docent of UzSWLU, Doctor of pedagogical sciences (PhD) Author


As a result of the new economic order characterized by the information revolution, the study of the skills and competencies that professionals need to possess has become one of the most pressing issues. Skills that are distinct from a person's profession and have cross-sectoral applicability are called generic competencies/skills, social competencies/skills, non-academic skills, non-cognitive skills, core competencies/skills, life skills, key competencies/skills, transversal competencies/skills, transferable skills, XXI century skills, people skills, employability skills, soft skills, and in Russian-language scientific sources, soft skills (мягкие навыки), flexible skills (гибкие навыки), high professional skills (надпрофессиональные навыки), key competencies (ключевые компенсии), universal skills (универсальные навыки) have been widely studied as an object of foreign scientific research since the 90s of the 20th century.


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Collins English Dictionary. "Definition of Soft Skills'." Soft Skills Definition and Meaning , HarperCollins Publishers, 1979, .

Davidova, V. C. Listening, speaking and negotiating: what are soft skills and how to develop them. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http : // theoryandpractice . ru / posts /11719- soft - skills

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J. Heckman and Tim Kautz, “Hard Evidence on Soft Skills,” Labour Economics 19, nº 4 (2013): 452.

Lystiani , Endang . ( 2011). Development Soft skills Student Prospective Teachers Through Lectures in the Department Education Mathematics . Proceedings of the National Seminar on Research , Education And Application of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Yogyakarta State , May 14, 2011.

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Silva, E. (2009). Measuring skills for 21st century learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(9), 630-634. doi:10.1177/003172170909000905. P 631.

UNICEF; Global Evaluation of Life Skills Education Programs- pdf (2012)

UNESCO and the Indian National Commission for Co-operation with UNESCO (2001) Life Skills in Non-formal Education.

Tataurshchikova D. Soft skills. URL:

Shipilov V. List of soft skills and ways of their development. URL:


