phraseological unit, phrase, theory, semаntically, methods, term idioms, linguists, clаssification, phraseological expressions, word.Abstract
English is getting increasingly popular over the world these days. It is not only spoken as a mother tongue by around 60 million people in different nations, but it is also widely used as an international language. English, as a means of communication, brings people from all over the world together, allowing them to better understand one another and exchange material, cultural, and spiritual values from their respective countries. Before getting into techniques of translating phraseological units, it's best to start with a discussion of translation theory in general and stories about how it came to be. To talk about techniques of transferring phraseological units, it's required to divide all of this language's phraseology into groups this or that reception, and this or that method to transferring phraseological units to the translating language, would be observed.
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