Recent advances in pharmacological treatments and early myocardial revascularization have significantly improved clinical outcomes for patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, studies suggest that elderly patients with AMI are less likely than younger patients to receive evidence-based therapies, including myocardial revascularization. Several factors may contribute to this disparity, such as uncertainties regarding the benefits of these interventions in older populations and the increased risks posed by comorbid conditions. The diagnosis, treatment, and post-hospital care of elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes present numerous challenges. A complex interaction of factors, including comorbidities, functional status, socioeconomic conditions, polypharmacy side effects, and individual biological variability, creates a complicated clinical environment. In such cases, healthcare providers often rely on extrapolating data from cardiovascular trials that frequently exclude older adults, either explicitly or implicitly. This article reviews current recommendations and best practices for managing AMI in the elderly population.
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