adsorption, adsorbent, pressure, isotherm, free energy, microcalorimeter, ammonia.Abstract
This paper presents the values of ammonia adsorption isotherms on synthetic zeolite CaA (M-34), obtained experimentally at a temperature of 303 K. The adsorption isotherm was measured with high accuracy and stability using a system consisting of a differential automatic microcalorimeter of the Tiana-Calve DAK-1-1A type, connected to a universal high-vacuum installation. Differential values of free energy, that is Gibbs energy, were calculated from the equilibrium values of pressure. Based on the general equation of the volume theory of micropores (VMOT), the coefficients of the mathematical apparatus of the isotherm were determined from the values of the Gibbs energy. On zeolite CaA (M-34), a regular relationship was established between the adsorption value and the energy properties of the sorption of ammonia molecules, the sorption mechanisms and the regularity of filling the zeolite volume with ammonia molecules.
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