Many studies have proved that learning a new language is demanding process that makes students feel overwhelmed during the process of language learning. Many existing research papers introduced the challenges of developing language competence and the need for effective language learning tools for language teachers. With the rise of different language teaching tools, advanced technologies, and smart devices, language learning apps have become a popular tool for language acquisition. This article examines the potential of Duolingo to develop language competence in students, analyzing its features and effectiveness. This research addresses the specific question “Does Duolingo effectively develop language competence in students?” by investigating about its potentials. This article discusses the advantages of Duolingo, such as its accessibility and gamified approach, while also acknowledging its limitations, including the need for personalized instruction and real-world practice. This study concludes by considering the features of language learning apps and their potential to enhance language acquisition for diverse learners.
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Mitchell Shortt, Shantanu Tilak, Irina Kuznetcova, Bethany Martens & Babatunde Akinkuolie (2023) Gamification in mobile-assisted language learning: a systematic review of Duolingo literature from public release of 2012 to early 2020, Computer Assisted Language Learning