euphemism, language culture, linguistic phenomenon, euphemization, dysphemism.Abstract
This article considers the issues that meet the leading trends in modern comparative linguistics and linguoculturology, where the priority is a functional and semantic approach to the analysis of national and cultural features of Euphemia as a manifestation of politeness in the speech behavior of native speakers of English and Uzbek languages. A euphemism is a direct word or expression used for a number of reasons instead of taboo words or expressions that appear to the speaker to be forbidden, indecent, or rude. The analysis revealed that such a speech courtesy technique as the use of euphemisms plays a major role in the life of the English and Uzbek languages and cultures to which they belong. They improve people's lives, have a positive impact on communication, avoid conflict situations, demonstrate education, help to win people over, and give a positive emotional characteristic to words during a conversation. Without this, no communication can be carried out, therefore, culture cannot fully exist and function.
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