
  • Nurmanova E`zoza Ulug`bek qizi Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan, Students Author
  • Ko`charova Zarinso Yusuf qizi Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan, Students Author
  • Ravshanova Dilbar Qadir qizi Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan, Students Author


Monte Carlo method, probability theory, numerical computation, probabilistic modeling, integral computation, software development, random sampling.


The Monte Carlo method is a numerical computation technique based on random sampling, utilizing principles of probability theory and statistics. This paper analyzes the fundamental principles, mathematical foundations, and applications of the Monte Carlo method in software development, particularly in calculating integrals and probabilistic modeling. Additionally, its key features, advantages, and limitations are discussed. Examples of the Monte Carlo method’s application in software development are also provided.


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