
  • Subxonova Nozigul Maqsud qizi English filology department, Bukhara State University Author


*Robinson Crusoe*, Daniel Defoe, Eco-Criticism, Environmentalism, Human-Nature Relationship, Sustainability, Stewardship, 18th-Century Literature


Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is examined in this article from an eco-critical viewpoint, which allows for an in-depth analysis of the intricate and evolving relationship between the central character and the natural environment. Through close readings of Crusoe’s initial exploitation of the island, his developing comprehension of its ecological interdependencies, and his eventual acceptance of a stewardship ethic, this study illuminates the novel’s sophisticated commentary on both ecological sustainability and human responsibility. Utilizing textual analysis, contextual understanding, and a framework of eco-critical theory, this article reveals that Robinson Crusoe goes beyond a simplistic representation of individual triumph or imperial ambition. Instead, the study shows it offers an insightful and remarkably modern perspective on humanity’s place in the natural world.


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