
  • Aliyev Doniyor Soibjon o’g’li Central Asian Medical University Assistant of the Department of Anatomy Author
  • Abdubannova Sevara Maxsitali qizi student of the medical faculty of CAMU Author


epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs, quality of life.


Department of Neurology Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease characterized by recurrent, unprovoked attacks of motor, sensory, or mental dysfunction resulting from excessive neuronal discharge in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex. From this definition it follows that no other clinical (mental changes) or electroencephalographic (epileptiform activity) signs alone can be the basis for a diagnosis of epilepsy. Epilepsy does not include single seizures, regardless of their clinical manifestations. Only repeated seizures are the basis for a diagnosis of epilepsy. By definition, febrile convulsions, as well as convulsions that occur during process damage to the brain (for example, with encephalitis, subdural hematoma, acute cerebrovascular accident, etc.) are not epilepsy-epilepsy includes spontaneous, unprovoked seizures (with the exception of reflex forms). Idiopathic forms of epilepsy have characteristic etiological, clinical and prognostic parameters clearly formulated in the specialized literature, with known or possible genetic predetermination, in which a complete clinical or paraclinical study does not reveal structural damage to the brain and the condition of another known disease(2,3). Cryptogenic-presumably symptomatic forms of epilepsy or syndromes, the cause of which is notclear. Up to 60-70% fall cases of epilepsy are cryptogenic (ZenkovL.R.). Currently, a number of forms of epilepsy and epileptic syndromes that are not included in the International Classification have been described: absence seizures in infants, absence epilepsy in adults, autosomal dominant frontal epilepsy with nocturnal paroxysms, familial benign temporal lobe epilepsy,etc.(1). The prevalence of epilepsy in the population ishighand reaches1-2% (ZenkovL.R.). The treatment strategy for epilepsy has currently undergone significant changes. The modern approach to the problem of treating epilepsy involves solving a number of issues related not only to achieving the maximum therapeutic effect, but also to the problems of adequate functioning of patients in society: education, choice ofprofession, employment, starting a family (5). Currently, this definition has found its echo in the concept of “Quality of Life”. According to the WHO definition, QOL is an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value system in which they live, in accordance with their goals, expectations, standardsand concerns.


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