
  • Marjona Shakarova Berdiyor qizi Primary education, Kimyo International University in Tashkent Research Methods 04 October 2023 Author


The role of feedback, (formal, informal and peer feedback), online survey, English language classroom, face-to-face feedback


In English language classrooms, feedback plays a crucial role in facilitating language learning and development. A qualitative approach was used to collect data by using classroom observation checklists, English teachers' and head teachers' interview schedules and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with students. (Md. Fazlur, R., Rasel B. & Ashrafuzzaman, M, December 2011). The study focuses on creating a bridge between teachers and students via analyzing modern teaching methods and providing teachers with concise feedback form.The subjects of the study were ten teachers and twelve students. They were asked to respond to an online survey about giving feedback. According to the result of an online survey about the role of feedback, giving clear feedback is considered very useful by many and all teachers agree with the view that assignment is important.


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