
  • Umarov Zafarbek Zaripboevich Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy Author


Portal hypertension (PH) is one of the most dangerous complications of liver cirrhosis. The term “PH” refers to an increase in pressure in the portal vein due to obstruction of blood flow at any site. Violation of adequate blood outflow from the portal vein basin in PH is characterized by profound disorders of regional and general hemodynamics, which leads to metabolic disorders, water and electrolyte metabolism, and a significant decrease in the functionality of vital organs. Particularly pronounced changes occur at the stage of decompensation of the disease, with the development of such severe complications as bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach, ascites, and liver failure (LF).


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Xakimov MSh, Matkuliev UI, Umarov ZZ. Portal gipertenziya asoratlarini oldini olish va davolashda kaminvazivli aralashuvlar kompleksining samaradorligi // Science and innovation. 2022. №1 (Special Issue 2). P. 379-383. URL:

Маткулиев У.И., Батиров Д.Ю., Умаров З.З., Алланазаров А.Х., Рахимов А.П. Портал гипертензия ва унинг асоратларини даволашда эндоскопик хамда эндоваскуляр усуллар // Научная перспектива Научно-аналитический журнал. 2023. №3 (157). P. 60-62. URL:

Khakimov MSh, Matkuliev UI, Batirov DY, Umarov ZZ, Allanazarov AX, Rakhimov AP. The factor analysis of the results of modern treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension // Astana Medical Journal. 2023. №116 (2023). P. 30-34. URL:

Макткулиев ЎИ, Батиров ДЮ, Умаров ЗЗ, Алланазаров АХ, Рахимов АП, Нурматов СТ. Портал гипертензиянинг қизилўнгач ҳамда меъда варикоз кенгайган веналаридан қон кетиш асоратида каминвазивли аралашувлар // Innovations in technology and science education. 2023. №2 (Issue 9). P. 602-613. URL:

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Khakimov MSh, Matkuliev UI, Batirov DY, Umarov ZZ. Modern Treatment and Prevention of Bleeding from Esophagus and Gastrous Varicose Veins with Portal Hypertension (Review of Literature) // American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2023. №13 (5). 762-767. URL:

Khakimov MSh, Matkuliev UI, Batirov DY, Umarov ZZ, Allanazarov AX, Rakhimov AP. The factor analysis of the results of modern treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension // Astana Medical Journal. 2023. №116 (2023). P. 30-34. URL:


