o’rik, sharbat, qoqi, vitaminlar, kasalliklar va ularga qarshi o’rikning ta’siri.Abstract
Ushbu maqolada o’rik mevasidan tayyorlangan murabboning kimyoviy tarkibi sifat tahlili natijalari keltirilgan. Olib borilgan tajribalar natijasida o’rik konservasidan olingan ekstrakt tarkibidagi vitaminlarning organizmga ta’siri o’rganildi.
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Druggist’s Digest of New Formulas, Recent Pharmaceutical Developments, and Other Professional Data, Jour. ADA Volume 3, ISSUE 1, P28-29, January 01, 1942: «NIACIN IS NEW NAME FOR NICOTINIC ACID: Federal Security Administrator Paul V.McNutt has accepted the recommendation of the Committee on Food and Nutrition of the National Research Council that the term “niacin” be adopted as a synonym for nicotinic add and the term “niacin amide” as a synonym for nicotinic asid amide.»
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