ICT, future teachers, EnglishAbstract
Conditions of education modernization encourage the search for a new educational paradigm that requires professionals not only to be willing to solve professional problems, but also to ensure the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in order to work with information during future professional activities and to be socially mobile. The modern interpreter must establish and solve educational and cognitive information retrieval problems on their own, as well as design and apply information resources and ICT for not just modeling and implementing novel educational processes, but also for personal and professional growth. To address these issues, the prospective interpreter's personality must be well developed, as it will allow them to anticipate the existing demand for knowledge through their own cognitive activity at any time. These personal attributes, when combined with existing competences, will provide the possibility and foundation for developing new competencies appropriate for the current stage of information society growth. In this situation, one may think of it as the development of information competency among students - future Philology professionals.
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