We need to answer a question: What does pronunciation mean in the aspect of FLT?Abstract
Pronunciation plays a special role in the content of language material. Pronunciation mechanism envelops three parts as hearing (acoustic), uttering (motor) and meaning (semantic). Mastering phonetic side of the language, i.e. mastering pronunciation subskill is one of the core conditions of successful communication.
meet variants of the English language phonemes.
Pronunciation minimum is general for a certain stage, for example, for secondary schools in spite of the learners’ language experience. Pronunciation minimum includes sounds, sound combinations, stress, and main types of intonation.
It is known that pronunciation units that are easy to learn are not taught in separate exercises, because they are not included into the content of teaching pronunciation. Thus, minimum doesn’t consider language experience, and the content of teaching pronunciation includes only difficult for assimilation phonetic phenomena that require special time and efforts.
There is a classification that takes into account the difficulties of assimilation which groups are included in the content of teaching pronunciation (CTP): difficult phenomena referring to articulation, opposition, position and acoustics.
The phonetic material is selected in compliance with the following criteria: (1) compliance with the need of communication; (2) appropriate style and standardized pronunciation; (4) prevalence.