receptive, listening, teacher, classroom, learner, methods and strategiesAbstract
Language is a main tool of communication and it is confirmed as a connection of human being. However, communication does not include only speaking, but also listening that is the way to understand and feel how the conversation or relationships going on. According to statistics, almost billion people use English as a communicative language on a daily life and it has already entered to a every field of the society. It has become a universal language and it shows that degree of requirements of learning English by people, no matter the youth, adults or senior is increasing dramatically. Especially, receptive skills are at the top of the list, therefore modern pedagogy has been facing various issues in the curriculum. This paper aims to clarify the importance of receptive skills as well as focus highly on some productive methods for teaching them in ESL and EFL classrooms
Adapted from the Learning Resources Center at Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, NY.
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