
  • A.Zh.Juraev 1Gulistan State University, e-mail: Author
  • N.A. Ergashev 2Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the AS RUz Author
  • R.S. Esanov2 4Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry NUUz Author


In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in the synthesis of new biologically active substances based on GA and GLA, the main reason for which can be explained by the fact that, firstly, the wide distribution of the licorice plant “Glysyrriza glabra L.” the high content of the main ingredient glycyrrhizin (up to 25-27%), and secondly, the fact that the substance “glycyrrhizin” has a wide spectrum of biological effects.


Modification of biologically active substances isolated from plants has become one of the main areas of organic and bioorganic chemistry in terms of the synthesis of new biologically active substances. In this regard, a special place is occupied by the synthesis of new biologically active substances based on glycyrrhizic acid (GA) and its aglycone-glycyrrhetic acid (GLA), which belongs to the class of triperpenoid biologically active substances



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