
  • R.I.Khatamov Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. Author


Hirschsprung's disease, diagnostics, histopathology


Hirschsprung disease (HD) is a disorder that affects several medical specialties such as pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric surgery, and pathology. Hirschsprung disease is a congenital disorder of intestinal innervation characterized by the absence of ganglion cells in the muscular (Auerbach) and submucosal (Meissner) plexuses in the distal colon in its classic form. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of HD is a key element in further treatment regimens. The effectiveness of various diagnostic methods used in patients with HD may vary. The use of a single limited diagnostic procedure may result in several percent of missed cases. In recent years, rectal biopsy has been recognized as an important diagnostic tool, allowing a definitive diagnosis of HD with an accuracy of 95% of cases. The correct diagnosis depends on the localization of the biopsy sample, its representativeness, the number of samples and the correct interpretation of microscopic examinations supported by histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. When using several methods and all diagnostic criteria, the sensitivity of the diagnosis allows to practically exclude cases of undiagnosed patients.



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