
  • Oripova Madinabonu A’zamjon qizi Kimyo International University in Tashkent English Education Faculty 3rd year student Author


Instructions in the classroom, Supporting the instructions, Gestures in giving instruction, checking for understanding


In everywhere, teachers play a fundamental role, mostly for effective lesson planning and involving clear instruction during the class. Effective lesson planning involves ensuring students’s adaptation to the learning environment. Likewise, clear instructions are essential for enhancing student motivation and confidence, while poor instruction can cause confusion and lead to low self-discipline. Moreover, the key to improving students understanding and engagement is using instruction materials such as facial expressions, gestures, and pictures. These aids by teachers also enhance problem-solving skills in students. One more crucial responsibility of teachers is checking students' understanding after giving instructions. It includes asking students for CCQs and ICQs or asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the materials given by the teacher. This strategy supports students learning environment to become more effective.


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