
  • Umida Abdushukurova BA Student at Uzbekistan State World Languages University, +998942177035 Author


Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), meaning-making, task-based approach, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, learner autonomy, learner-centered approach, intercultural competence, virtual communication tools, self-directed practice, situational learning.


This article explores the integration of traditional grammar teaching with communicative language practice to enhance fluency in language learners. It begins by highlighting the importance of both grammar proficiency and communicative competence in language learning. Embracing the principles of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), the article advocates for a balanced approach where grammar instruction is seamlessly woven into meaningful communicative activities. Through task-based grammar instruction, authentic materials, and situational learning, learners engage in real-life communication while reinforcing grammar skills. Effective error correction strategies are discussed, emphasizing the need for feedback that encourages self-correction without hindering communication. The role of technology in facilitating grammar instruction within a communicative framework is explored, along with the evolving role of the teacher and dynamic classroom dynamics. The article concludes with a discussion on assessment practices and offers case studies showcasing successful integration of grammar teaching with communicative language practice. Overall, it provides insights for educators on how to bridge traditional grammar teaching with communicative language practice to promote fluency in language learners.


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