
  • Rakhmonova Mehriniso Toshpulotovna ZARMED UNIVERSITY Teacher of the Department of Languages rakhmonova_mehriniso@zarmeduniver.com +998 91 973 25 12 Author


Man and humanity, manners, education, elders, great scientists, teachings, techniques and technologies, the Universe, enlightenment, spirituality, spiritual-enlightenment, moral views.


This article reflects on the teachings of our great scholar and thinker grandfather Ahmed Donish, who lived on our land. Our greatest goal is to guide the next generation to choose a profession based on the unique teachings of the thinker and the content of his work "Nawadir-ul-Waqae".                                        The works and cultural-spiritual heritage of the original children of our people deeply reflected the meaning and essence, complexities and conflicts of the complex era in which they lived and created. By reading artistic and philosophical works, stories, moral collections, theoretical and prose letters, epics, memoirs, which are a part of our national-spiritual wealth and are a scientific and cultural heritage from enlighteners, we will learn about the dreams, history, spiritual-educational, moral views of our people we will find out


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Каримов И.А. Юксак маънавият – енгилмас куч. Т.: Маънавият, 2008 йил. Б. 42.

Раҳмонов Т. “Сиз билган ва билмаган тарих”. Бухоро “Дурдона” 2021. 32 бет.

Аҳмад Дониш. “Наводир ул-вақое”. (“Нодир воқеалар”). И.Мўминов таҳрири остида. Т. 1964.

Рахмонова М.Т. - Хоразмий Даҳосига Таъзим. - РТ Меҳринисо Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and …, 2023, 288-291. https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC/article/download/942/1058

Рахмонова М.Т. - Ahmad Donish's Testament to His Children and About Profession (Based on the Work" Nawodir Ul-Waqae")

RM Tashpulatovna - Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and …, 2023, 335-339.

https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC/article/view/ 882

Рахмонова М.Т. - RM Toirovna, RM Toshpulatovna, AN Baxriddinovna… - Fantastic imagery in the works of a. Tolstoy and e. Zamyatin/ Boletin de Literatura Oral-The Literary Journal, 2023, 3927-3933. https://www.boletindeliteraturaoral.com/index.php/bdlo/article/view/ 764


