English language teaching, globalization, multilingualism, COVID-19 pandemic, intercultural competence, technology integration, learner-centered approaches, soft skills, collaborative teachingAbstract
This article examines the current challenges and emerging trends in the field of English language teaching (ELT), focusing on the impact of globalization, the rise of multilingualism, and the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It discusses the need for ELT professionals to adapt their instructional approaches to accommodate diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, while also balancing the importance of English proficiency with the preservation of local languages and identities. The article also highlights the challenges and opportunities presented by the shift to remote and hybrid learning models during the pandemic, as well as the emerging trends in ELT, such as the emphasis on intercultural competence, the integration of technology and digital literacy, the adoption of learner-centered approaches, the development of soft skills, and the embrace of collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching. By addressing these challenges and embracing the promising trends, ELT professionals can ensure that they provide high-quality language instruction that meets the evolving needs of diverse learners in an increasingly globalized world.
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