
  • Farrukh Do’stmirzayevich Juraev NTT University of Economics and Pedagogy, i.f.f.d., prof. UDK: 330.43:004.8 ORCID: 0009-0008-5182-1227 Author
  • Mirzayev Shoxrux Normurod o‘g‘li Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics Assistant of the "Technological Processes Automation and Control" Department, independent researcher Author


Rosenblatt’s Perceptron, econometrics, personal finance, industrial automation, adaptive decision-making, financial management, budgeting, savings and spending, machine learning, risk management, predictive analysis, ethical considerations, decision-making framework.


This article examines the transformative role of Rosenblatt’s Perceptron in econometrics and financial decision-making, emphasizing its influence on personal finance, industrial automation, and human-computer interaction. Rosenblatt’s Perceptron, inspired by neural structures in the human brain, offers a dynamic learning mechanism capable of adapting to data patterns over time. In personal finance, it optimizes budgeting, savings, and expenditure management through its adaptive weight adjustments. The model’s application in industrial automation enhances decision-making in resource allocation and process optimization, significantly improving efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, the article highlights the perceptron’s role in econometrics to analyze financial patterns, detect fraud, and manage risks more effectively. Ethical considerations, such as addressing biases, ensuring data privacy, and maintaining transparency in algorithmic processes, are also discussed, underscoring the importance of responsible technological deployment. Ultimately, the article concludes that despite challenges, the integration of Rosenblatt’s Perceptron into econometric models and financial systems offers indispensable benefits for advancing modern decision-making frameworks.


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