Green supply chain management (GSCM) has emerged as a crucial approach for promoting sustainability in the tourism industry, addressing environmental concerns while maintaining operational efficiency. This study explores the key factors influencing GSCM adoption in the tourism sector, categorizing them into organizational, external, and operational dimensions. Organizational factors such as leadership commitment, employee training, financial resources, and corporate social responsibility play a significant role in driving green initiatives. External influences include government regulations, stakeholder pressures, market demand for eco-friendly tourism, and collaborative partnerships. Operational aspects such as eco-friendly procurement, energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable transportation further shape GSCM practices. Cultural and social considerations, including local community engagement and tourist awareness, also impact the successful implementation of GSCM. However, challenges such as high initial costs, resistance to change, lack of expertise, and limited supplier cooperation hinder progress. Addressing these barriers through strategic planning, innovation, and stakeholder collaboration can enhance sustainability in tourism. This study underscores the importance of integrating GSCM to reduce environmental footprints and ensure long-term growth in the tourism industry.
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